Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to common lawn care and landscape maintenance. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. We are always happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have and we are always ready to offer our assistance in maintaining your lush green corner of paradise.
Q: What are the best lawn mowing practices to keep my lawn healthy?
A: Proper mowing practices are essential to your lawn’s health and maintenance. Mowing too short damages grass root systems, thins the lawn, decreases drought and disease resistance, and increases your weed population. Please set your mowing height to at least 3 inches for the spring, and try not to cut off more than 1/3 of the grass blade per mowing (cut when your grass is 4-5 inches high). Keep your cutting blade sharp, and do not collect your clippings (unless you have grass clumps), as they return nutrients to the soil as they decompose.
Q: Should I collect my clippings or blow them on the grass?
A: Blowing your grass clippings into the lawn is more valuable for your lawn as it returns nutrients to the soil as they decompose.
Q: How often should I water during drought/dry season?
A: To keep your lawn healthy this time of year, it needs one inch of rain per week. If weather is dry, we suggest watering your lawn every 5 days for an hour in each place your sprinkler covers. Watering is your first line of response to lawn disease and damage to help your lawn recover.
Q: I have dead patches in my lawn what is that and what can I do?
A: The dead patches in your lawn are likely the result of lawn disease/drought damage from past years. Dead grass/thatch should be removed. Add a little topsoil and re-seed these areas, or aerate and over-seed the damage areas.
Q: How can I prevent lawn problems?
A: The best thing you can do to fight disease on your lawn is to mow properly and keep your lawn watered. If you have lawn problems, please feel free to call us for a diagnosis. DON’T wait until the damage is bad to call us!
Q: How can I effectively re-seed dead areas of my lawn?
A: If you have empty spots less than 4 inches in diameter in your lawn, fertilizing will help your grass fill most of these in (unless the spots are shade damage, disease or dog damage). Rake out dead thatch and vigorously loosen the topsoil, add some fresh topsoil and seed, then cover with straw. Sprinkle the seeded areas every day for 15 minutes; seed will germinate best when temperatures reach the mid-60’s or higher. Grass seed germinates in 10-30 days. Be patient and water faithfully – but do not over-water!
Q: I have wide-bladed grass in my lawn (not crabgrass); how do I get rid of it?
A: This is quack grass, or other perennial field-type grass. Unlike crabgrass, which is an annual grass, these unwanted grasses can only be killed with a “Round-up” type product (which kills all grass and plants). If you choose to kill this grass, spray Round-Up at targeted grass plus an additional foot beyond, be sure targeted grass has died (takes up to 5-10 days), then tear it up, add topsoil and re-seed with a good mix of grass seed.
Q: I have doggie damage what can I do?
A: The light brown spots in the area where your dog went are burns from his/her urine, and may not recover. You can try raking thoroughly, water heavily, and re-seed. Some people recommend gypsum to help absorb it.
Q: What is “Core Aeration” and how do I know if I need it?
A: Core Aeration loosens the soil to improve the flow of air, water and fertilizers to the grass roots. Aerating your lawn also controls thatch build up, relieves compacted soil, and stimulates root development, creating a healthier lawn. This is one of the best things you can do for your lawn once a year.
Q: What’s better an Aeration or a De-thatch?
A: A de-thatch is needed when your lawn is matted down or has a lot of dried, brown grass in it. This must be done between March 25th and April 15, once your grass greens up de-thatching your lawn will then start to tear up your new grass that is growing in. De-thatching does not need to be done every year, where as Aeration can be done every year and it is the healthiest additional service you can do for your lawn.
Q: How do I know if I have grubs?
A: If you are seeing brown patches in your lawn, go to the end of the brown patch to the green part of your lawn. Pull up on the green grass, if it pulls up like a piece of carpeting, you probably have grubs and you may see white grubs in the soil.
Find the information you need? Then fill out our Free Estimate form and one of our experts will contact you to discuss your lawn care needs. Still have questions? Feel free to Contact Us. We are always happy to answer any concerns you may have. For Fastest Service, give Landscaping 365 a call at 614-260-8774.